The consortium consists of 6 organisations from 4 countries – Spain, Bulgaria, Portugal and Greece.


UNED is one of the largest campuses in Europe and has developed great technological innovation from its creation to the present. From the use of classic media such as radio and television to own and innovative platforms and the introduction of Artificial intelligence and big data for the personalizationof learning.At present, the uned is committed to digitization and innovation in its strategic lines.

Undoubtedly, one of the areas of greatest growth of the UNED has been its academic offer, which increases every year with new degrees, adapting to the demands of the Knowledge Society with the creation, to name a few examples, of the Combined Degrees or the recent Micro-Degrees, pioneers in Spain and that respond to the European commitment to Short Learning Programs.

Project coordinator and contact person: Prof. PhD Cristina Sanchez Romero

More information at:

PLOVDIV UNIVERSITY “PAISII HILENDARSKI”, Faculty of Pedagogy, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Plovdiv University is one of the leading higher-education institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria. It is the largest University in Southern Bulgaria and the second biggest in Bulgaria. Plovdiv University was initially founded in 1961 as a Higher Institute of Pedagogy for Natural Sciences and Mathematics. It was declared a University in 1972. The University has received official state accreditation (2013), which allows it to confer each form of educational degree i.e. specialist, bachelor, master and doctor. Teaching and research activities are carried out by over 598 highly qualified full-time lecturers, including 95 Full Professors, 206 Associate Professors, 181 Senior Assistant Professors, 116 Assistants Professors, and other lecturers. Approximately 13 000 full-time students and more than 5 000 part-time students are trained in more than 100 bachelor and 130 master courses including natural, humanitarian, social, engineering and economic sciences.

Contact persons: Assoc. Prof. PhD Albena Alexandrova-Ovcharova / Prof. PhD Dora Levterova-Gadjalova

More information at:


AMPAT, Madrid Association of Inclusive Education Professionals, was born in 2004 due to the need to create an association of qualified and specialized people in inclusive education and production of supportive training materials to ensure their proper educational and societal inclusion. AMPAT has the official qualification of “social interest”, granted by the Community of Madrid. AMPAT is currently made up of more than 50 associates from the most important specialties involved in an Childhood Intervention process, such as health, pediatrics, education, psychology, pedagogy and technology. The professionals who participate in our association have extensive experience of many years of practice, most of them having obtained the academic degree of doctor in their respective specialties. Many of them are also university professors who teach at the Complutense University of Madrid and other universities or teaching centers, with which AMPAT maintains close ties in the field of research, as well as regular collaborations in projects of all kinds. AMPAT maintains relations with institutions and organizations such as EURLYAID, GAT, SIPOSIO, POLIBEA, Secretary of State for Social Services and Secretary General of the Royal Board of Trustees on Disability, national and international foundations, and universities. Its members form part of scientific and professional committees such as the Commission for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities of the Community of Madrid, or the Educational Inclusion Network, and participate in specialized university master’s degrees, conferences, seminars, and continuing education courses, as well as in conferences on current affairs and social interest. AMPAT organizes sessions for the exchange of experiences and interdisciplinary sessions, as well as congresses. It also publishes reports and technical documents in its field of action with the results of the research it carries out.

Contact person: Prof. PhD Pilar Gutiez Cuevas

More information at:


The Association organizes activities related to the implementation of inclusive education, wellbeing via non-formal activities as well as labour market support for young people with disabilities in terms of successful implementation in Bulgaria of inclusive school education, vocational education and training, supported employment, inclusion and sustainability in the labor market and implementation of social inclusion in culture, sports and society as a whole. The team of the organisation consists of leading experts in the field of inclusive education, psychomotor physical education, supported employment by
Carl Rogers model, recognition of prior learning, recognition and validation of learning outcomes. Their team members are frequently invited as guest speakers at major national and EU conferences in the field of inclusive education, career guidance and counselling, validation of learning outcomes as well as in the Committees to the Ministry of Education & Science and National Agency for Vocational Education & Training.

Contact person: Andrean Lazarov

More information at:


The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) is a higher education public institution with a defined mission in creating, transmitting and diffusing technical-scientific and professional knowledge through the articulation of study, teaching, applied research and experimental development. IPB belongs to the European Network for Universities of Applied Sciences (UASNET), which main objectives include the transferability of professional skills and the integration of applied research in their professional and technological education mission.

Founded in 1983, IPB is presently composed by five schools. Its activities embraces a wide area of knowledge and technology, namely, arts, communication and multimedia, business sciences and law, education and teachers training, agriculture sciences and natural resources, health, tourism, sports, technologies and engineering. The IPB has an internationalization programme with widely recognized success, including the annual mobility of more than 1000 incoming and outgoing students and 300 teaching and non-teaching staff members, as the result of the cooperation with several European HEIs and with universities from the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries and all over the World (

Taking into account its dimension (more than 9000 students and 420 full time equivalent teachers), IPB is placed in the first line of the international mobility. Considering the latest governmental data, 26% of IPB graduates had an international mobility experience during their study programme, which remarkably places IPB above the objective established by the EU for 2020 (20%). IPB also distinguishes itself as partner in European projects, including 14 Strategic Partnerships, 9 former Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus and Erasmus-Mundus, and 30 Intensive Programmes. The IPB is one of the few Portuguese HEIs awarded with both the ECTS and the DS Labels, thus assuring the quality and the transparency of the management and the fair academic and professional recognition of its qualifications (

IPB is a certified institution awarded with ISO 2001:2008 standards certificate, our Planning and Quality Management Office implements mechanisms of quality control in order to improve quality of services and follow financial implementation of projects.

Contact person: Prof. PhD Vitor Gonsalves

More information at:

NKR-Lab is a Greek SME that offers technology solutions to the e-Education, e-Environment and Life Sciences business sectors, focusing on Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, Digital Platforms, and Web Services on Real-World Data. The company’s main products are digital platforms and web applications. NNR-Lab is associated with professional bodies in education (national and international), environmental and water management, Artificial Intelligence, Web Services and innovation. NKR-Lab has extensive experience in attracting funding from the national Greek projects and running the resulting projects in the digital solutions and technological challenges. NKR-Lab’s scope is to develop fundamental research, feasibility studies, industrial research, various forms of experimental development as well as the creation of supporting software to the abovementioned research areas. NKR-Lab provides the means of experimental or theoretical work primarily to gain new knowledge of underlying phenomena and visible facts, with or without specific and direct practical application or usage. NKR-Lab additionally provides analysis and evaluation of projects’ potential, aimed at supporting the process of decision making by uncovering strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as identifying the resources needed and the prospects for success. NKR-Lab focuses on acquiring, combining, shaping and using existing scientific, technological, business and other relevant knowledge and skills with the aim of developing new or improved products, processes or services.
The main mission of NKR-Lab is focused on promoting innovation, technology development and applied research in the fields of higher Education Institutions, environmental sustainability projects, digitalization and IT-oriented services, data analytics and artificial intelligence, modeling and optimization, environmental and transportation monitoring and services, production and processing. NKR-Lab seeks to achieve a technological differentiation mission of the companies involved in the research and development cluster as an instrument for its growth and competitiveness improvement.

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